Monday, May 27, 2019

5 Reasons Senior Dental Health Care Is Important

Your body changes as it ages, and that includes your teeth. You may be inclined to think that since you’ve made it that far in life without any major dental issues, why should you be concerned now? But keeping up with routine dental care for senior citizens is important.
It really doesn’t matter what age you are, having your teeth checked by a dentist is important. Your oral health is tied to your entire body, so finding and preventing issues early on can have a major impact on how you feel. Below are five reasons why senior dental care is important.
1. Dry Mouth
When your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva, you are diagnosed with having dry mouth. This can be caused by a variety of reasons, including genetics, diabetes, and certain medications. The issue can be more than annoying, it can lead to serious issues.
2. Gum Disease
As mentioned above, gum disease can have detrimental effects. While dry mouth can lead to gum disease, other issues can as well. These include using tobacco products, unhealthy diets, dentures or bridges that don’t fit correctly, and other diseases such as anemia or cancer.
3. Root Decay
This is an incredibly common issue with elderly patients. As the gum line recedes, the root of a tooth is exposed. Since it doesn’t have the same amount of enamel on it as the rest of the tooth, it become susceptible to the acids in food, which will cause them to decay. 
4. Uneven Jawbone
If you’ve lost teeth throughout your life and haven’t taken the time to get them replaced with false teeth, you mouth will shift and fill in those empty spaces.
5. Stained Teeth
The more foods and beverages you consume during your lifetime, the more opportunity you have to stain your teeth. This can lead to yellowing or darkening of the teeth, making them look unhealthy and unsightly.
Continue Reading for more information,

Contact Us:

Markham 7 Dental
5954 Hwy 7 unit c,
City: Markham
State: Ontario
Zip Code: L3P 1A2
Phone: 905-294-2700

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