If your teeth are not as straight as you would like them to be, you are not alone. Crooked teeth are actually incredibly common, and for a lot of people, they can be a real pain. If this is the case, a qualified Invisalign doctor can help.
For a lot of people, misaligned teeth or jaw issues are a lot more than unsightly. These common problems can make it difficult to chew food, maintain good oral hygiene, increase the risk of tooth decay, cavities, and other common dental health issues, and they might also cause unnecessary strain on the muscles of the jaw. This can all potentially lead to long term issues later down the line.
Of course, crooked teeth and misaligned jaw placements can also have plenty of negative effects on a person’s self-esteem as well, regardless of whether they experience any physical side effects or not.
What Causes Crooked Teeth?
So why do some people have crooked teeth or jaw aligned issues when others seem to have teeth that appear perfectly straight?
Well, there are a lot of factors that can cause teeth to grow misaligned. Sometimes early childhoods habits, or even something so simple as sucking on a soother, can cause teeth to fall out of line. Other times, the size of the jaw is just too small to accommodate all those teeth comfortably. Visit source to read more.
Contact Us:
Markham 7 Dental
Address: 5954 Hwy 7 unit c,
City: Markham
State: Ontario
Zip Code: L3P 1A2
Phone: 905-294-2700
Email: markham7dental@gmail.com