Monday, December 28, 2020

Do’s and Don’ts for Teeth Whitening: What Dentists Advise

For you to maintain healthy teeth and prevent issues like sensitivity, decay, and fractures, you should be listening to your dentist and heeding their advice. When it comes to teeth whitening in Markham, you should always be proceeding with caution.

There are some serious dos and don’ts when it comes to these procedures that can affect your overall dental health.

Do: Adopt Good Oral Care Habits Before Pursuing Whitening

Many people will seek out teeth whitening in Markham before addressing some of their more serious dental issues. If you are someone who brushes regularly, maybe once a day, and does not make an effort to floss, the main reason your teeth are discolored is that you are not caring for them properly. To read more, visit source.

Contact Us:

Markham 7 Dental

Address: 5954 Hwy 7 unit c,

City: Markham

State: Ontario

Zip Code: L3P 1A2

Phone: 905-294-2700


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

How to Deal with Gum Bleeding in Emergency Situations?

One of the primary reasons why someone seeks help from an emergency dentist in Markham is gum bleeding. Gum bleeding is a problem that arises for many people, and often there are multiple reasons why it happens.

If you have experienced a problem like this or been to an emergency dental clinic, you’re probably wondering how to handle the situation the best way.

What Causes Gum Bleeding?

Gum bleeding happens to most people but in varying degrees. You may notice that your gums bleed after you have been flossing or been brushing vigorously. In some cases, it may be because you are not brushing your teeth often enough, and they become sensitive, or you may have a vitamin deficiency.

Several things can cause bleeding and prompt you to visit the emergency dental clinic in Markham. As such, it helps to know which behaviors to avoid and what to do should an emergency happen. To read more, visit source.

Contact Us:

Markham 7 Dental

Address: 5954 Hwy 7 unit c,

City: Markham

State: Ontario

Zip Code: L3P 1A2

Phone: 905-294-2700


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

How to Take Care of Wisdom Teeth Swelling

Wisdom tooth pain can be extremely annoying. The sharp tops of new teeth are very painful when they cut through the gums in the back of your mouth. It’s far better to bite the bullet and make an appointment to take care of the problem. You can look forward to a clean and pain-free mouth once you recover from your wisdom tooth removal. Part of the process is swelling, which can occur before and after your surgery. Here’s what you need to know in order to take care of wisdom tooth swelling.

Is Swelling a Bad Sign?

Swelling can be a sign that your body isn’t doing a very good job at handling your new teeth. Most people are in their early twenties when wisdom teeth begin to appear. Just like when you were growing taller as a child, there is some pain and inflammation associated with new growth. To read more, visit source.

Contact Us:

Markham 7 Dental

Address: 5954 Hwy 7 unit c,

City: Markham

State: Ontario

Zip Code: L3P 1A2

Phone: 905-294-2700


Thursday, October 29, 2020

How to Ensure Your Kids Have Good Oral Health


 pediatric dentist in Markham

Give your kids a great start in life by ensuring they practice great dental hygiene. One part of this process is modeling these steps at home. Another important step is to bring them to a wonderful pediatric dentist in Markham. When kids get to know their provider, it creates an additional incentive for them to take care of their teeth. For kids dental in Markham, look for an office that has books and toys in the waiting room. They should be a place with specific expertise in Markham dentistry for children.

Here’s your guide to ensuring your kids have good oral health.

Correct Brushing Technique

It can feel like a battle just to get young children to brush their teeth regularly. But parents must not lower the bar to daily brushing. If the technique is not correct, then children risk developing painful and costly cavities. You’d have to take them for help at kids dental in Markham.

Make sure you observe the way they brush their teeth. Too soft and it won’t be effective. Too hard and they’ll be damaging their gums and potentially the enamel. Make it a game and do it together. See how well they can do to impress the pediatric dentist in Markham.

Stop the Sugar Obsession

It’s difficult, but sugar is the number one culprit of children’s cavities. It’s important to learn how to say no and limit their consumption of sugar. This means sugary drinks and sweet treats. If they’re already sugar addicts, then you’ll have to be patient and stay the course. Replace soda with water and move from candy to fruit.

Another way to handle this is portion control. Get them involved in cooking food at home and reading nutrition labels. Many children respond well to empowerment, so try this technique at home before bringing them to a Markham dentistry for children.

To read more, visit Source

Contact Us:

Markham 7 Dental
Address: 5954 Hwy 7 unit c,
City: Markham
State: Ontario
Zip Code: L3P 1A2
Phone: 905-294-2700

Thursday, October 1, 2020

How Your Dentist Will Help You in Case of Oral Abscess

An oral abscess can be very uncomfortable. Don’t wait to seek help and ask Siri to find a dentist office near me. There is a dental office in Markham just around the corner that can get you the assistance you need. No matter what kind of pain you are in, there is help. Don’t prolong the pain. Call up some dentists in Markham and make an appointment now.

What Kind of Abscess Do I Have?

One common type of oral abscess is a gingival abscess. This kind of infection only affects the gum tissue in the mouth. It’s painful but the most common. More serious types of oral abscesses are periodontal and periapical abscesses. These affect the bone structures of the teeth themselves.

Sometimes there is a bacterial infection that is affecting the blood vessels and nerves near the site. If left too long, the bacteria can infect the bloodstream and enter the heart. Visit source to read more.

Contact Us:

Markham 7 Dental
Address: 5954 Hwy 7 unit c,
City: Markham
State: Ontario
Zip Code: L3P 1A2
Phone: 905-294-2700

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

How Your Dental Appointments Can Be the Most Beneficial

As you search online for a “dentist office near me,” you want to find a dentist who will offer you the personalized care and wide selection of treatments that you desire. Once you find that dental expert, there are several things you can do to make sure these appointments are beneficial and that you get the most out of your time sitting in the dentist’s chair.

Here are a few ways that you can receive the most benefits during your next dental appointment.

Provide Your Health History

At the beginning of your appointment, your dentist in Markham will ask for a complete health history, family medical history, and a list of your current medications. This information helps your dentist better understand your oral health and those issues you are susceptible to or are currently facing. Visit source to read more.

Contact Us:

Markham 7 Dental
Address: 5954 Hwy 7 unit c,
City: Markham
State: Ontario
Zip Code: L3P 1A2
Phone: 905-294-2700

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Treating Periodontal Disease with Scaling and Root Planing

Periodontal Disease, also known as gum disease, is common among adults. According to the Canadian Dental Association, approximately 70% of the Canadian population will develop some form of the disease during their lifetime. Unfortunately, if this disease is not properly treated, it can cause serious oral complications. Luckily, several periodontal disease treatment options are available and there are several things you can do to keep your gums and other areas in your mouth healthy. One of the best ways to prevent this disease is dental scaling and root planing.

What Is Root Planing and Scaling?

Root planing and dental scaling are when you receive a deep cleaning of the gums and teeth. When visiting with your dentist, a hygienist will remove all bacteria and build-up from your teeth, around your roots, and on your gums. However, this is much different than your basic dental cleaning as you will receive a cleaning beneath your gum lines. This removes those toxins and bacteria that can increase your risk of the disease.

Visit source to read more.

Contact Us:

Markham 7 Dental
Address: 5954 Hwy 7 unit c,
City: Markham
State: Ontario
Zip Code: L3P 1A2
Phone: 905-294-2700

Monday, June 1, 2020

Determining If Invisalign Is Appropriate for You

If your teeth are not as straight as you would like them to be, you are not alone. Crooked teeth are actually incredibly common, and for a lot of people, they can be a real pain. If this is the case, a qualified Invisalign doctor can help.

For a lot of people, misaligned teeth or jaw issues are a lot more than unsightly. These common problems can make it difficult to chew food, maintain good oral hygiene, increase the risk of tooth decay, cavities, and other common dental health issues, and they might also cause unnecessary strain on the muscles of the jaw. This can all potentially lead to long term issues later down the line.

Of course, crooked teeth and misaligned jaw placements can also have plenty of negative effects on a person’s self-esteem as well, regardless of whether they experience any physical side effects or not.

What Causes Crooked Teeth?

So why do some people have crooked teeth or jaw aligned issues when others seem to have teeth that appear perfectly straight?

Well, there are a lot of factors that can cause teeth to grow misaligned. Sometimes early childhoods habits, or even something so simple as sucking on a soother, can cause teeth to fall out of line. Other times, the size of the jaw is just too small to accommodate all those teeth comfortably. Visit source to read more.

Contact Us:

Markham 7 Dental
Address: 5954 Hwy 7 unit c,
City: Markham
State: Ontario
Zip Code: L3P 1A2
Phone: 905-294-2700

Monday, April 27, 2020

How Oral Sedation Can Help in Your Dental Treatment

Dental anxiety can make the experience of visiting the dentist a lot worse than it actually is. Nonetheless, this experience is often all too real. For those who have a fear of visiting a dental office, oral sedation dentistry can help.

Here’s why dental anxiety can feel so hard to shake. When people experience fear, adrenaline surges into the bloodstream, putting the sensations on high alert. The muscles become tense and active, heightening the perception of bodily sensations, including pain. It is this fear of pain that prevents a lot of people from visiting their dentist on a regular basis, and this can lead to the development of conditions that might require more vigorous treatment procedures.

As such, anxiety about visiting the dentist tends to be a vicious cycle. This hypersensitivity will often solidify that fear, and this is why dental anxiety can feel so hard to overcome, even for a perfectly rational adult.

If you are one of the 40 percent of the Canadian population who experiences fear of visiting the dentist, know that you are far from alone. Fear of going to the dentist will often develop in childhood, although it can also crop up at any stage of life.

The good news is, there is a solution that can help people who have a fear of dental procedures feel much more comfortable and relaxed the next time they sit in that chair. For most people, oral sedation dentistry services are simple, stress-free, and totally safe.

Continue reading for more details.

Contact Us:

Markham 7 Dental
Address: 5954 Hwy 7 unit c,
City: Markham
State: Ontario
Zip Code: L3P 1A2
Phone: 905-294-2700